This page is a list of in-universe terms and their meanings. You can probably get most of this stuff through context clues, but it doesn't hurt to have a page for it.

Language of Haven

  • Anya: A word in Veld and Gerin that means 'city'.
  • Aiqua: A word in Veld and Gerin that means 'water'.
  • Veld: The semi-independent group of elves that live in the underground ruins of the old elvish empire of Elrannor around the Giant's Spine mountains. They are also sometimes referred to as dark elves. This term refers to the language spoken by this group as well.
  • Gerin: The language spoken mainly in the nations of Bridor, Sinelu, and Hethse.
  • Gragen: The dominant language of Azur.
  • Atan: The language of the giants in the Giant's Spine mountains.
  • Gunzadi: A loose collection of nomadic groups in and around the Wild Sanctuary that rejects all religious and governmental authority in favor of living in small more democratic communities united by shared beliefs. Also refers to the language commonly spoken by these groups and the quasi-religion they follow.
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